
How to Tell Your Commercial Roof Needs Repaired or Replaced

Multifamily or Commercial Properties. With Drone tech we can inspect your roofs without the danger! No matter the size or complexity of your property, we have the roofing solutions you are looking for!

As a commercial property owner, it’s important to keep a close eye on the condition of your roof. A well-maintained roof can protect your building from the elements and extend the life of your property, while a poorly-maintained roof can lead to costly repairs and even complete replacement. Here are a few signs that it may be time to repair or replace your commercial roof.

  1. Age: The age of your roof is one of the most important factors to consider. Most commercial roofing systems have a lifespan of around 20-30 years. If your roof is approaching the end of its expected lifespan, it may be time to consider replacement.
  2. Leaks: Leaks are one of the most obvious signs that your roof needs to be repaired or replaced. If you notice water stains on your ceiling, or if you see water pooling on your roof after a heavy rain, it’s a good indication that your roof is leaking and needs to be fixed.
  3. Missing or damaged shingles: Missing or damaged shingles can be a sign of serious roofing issues. If you notice missing or damaged shingles, it’s important to have them repaired or replaced as soon as possible.
  4. Blistering or buckling: If you notice that your roof is blistering or buckling, it’s a sign that the roofing system is failing. Blistering is the formation of bubbles or protrusions on the surface of the roof, while buckling is when the surface of the roof begins to warp or wave. Both of these signs indicate that the roofing system is not providing adequate protection and should be repaired or replaced.
  5. Moisture or mold: Moisture and mold are also signs that your roof needs to be repaired or replaced. Moisture can enter a building through a damaged roof and cause mold to grow, which can be a health hazard and cause structural damage.
  6. Energy costs: If you notice that your energy costs are suddenly increasing, it could be a sign that your roof is not properly insulating your building. Old or damaged roofing can allow heat to escape, which can lead to higher energy costs.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to have your roof inspected by a professional commercial roofing contractor. They will be able to determine the condition of your roof and advise you on the best course of action.

In some cases, a simple repair can fix the problem, but if the roof has reached the end of its life, a full replacement might be the best option. Keep in mind that waiting too long can lead to more damage and higher costs.

In conclusion, keeping a close eye on the condition of your commercial roof is crucial in maintaining the integrity and longevity of your building. Regular roof inspections, and being aware of signs of wear and tear such as leaks, missing or damaged shingles, blistering or buckling, moisture or mold and increasing energy costs can help you identify potential issues early on, and take the necessary actions to ensure your roofing system is providing adequate protection for your building.

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Preparing Your Commercial Roof for La Niña Weather Pattern

Have you ever heard of a weather pattern called “La Niña?” When this Pacific weather pattern persists into the summer months, it could mean that a stormier season is on the horizon for Floridians.

If you’re a property manager or business owner, this could have a significant impact on your building’s roof. The good news is, with the help of commercial roofing contractors in Tampa, you can prepare your roof before it’s too late. Read on to learn the top preventative care tips to prepare for La Niña this summer.

Debris Removal and Tree Trimming

An often overlooked task when preparing your commercial roof for a stormy season is removing debris and trimming back trees from your structure. Debris consists of any object that has fallen on your roof over time, or those that can be picked up and carried by strong winds. These may be palm fronds, loose shingles, rocks, and other potentially damaging materials.

You should also consider trimming back tree branches that could strike your building during a storm and securing any outdoor furniture. This can significantly reduce the risk of damage from La Niña storms.

Inspections and Maintenance

Rather than waiting for issues to arise and risking potential catastrophic damage from La Niña storms this summer, it’s important to conduct a thorough inspection. This can uncover any potential problem areas on your roof, as well as provide a baseline heading into storm season. 

Even if there are no issues present during inspection, it’s important to stay up to date on preventative maintenance. These maintenance measures may consist of:

  • Assessing roof coverings
  • Clearing debris from the roof and gutters
  • Inspecting and documenting all roof penetrations
  • Inspecting roof terminations (perimeters, wall terminations, hip and ridge terminations)
  • Inspecting ventilation systems and running FHA/FBC calculations to ensure adequate ventilation throughout your building
  • Inspecting for damages caused by outside forces like rodents and trees 
  • Inspecting the attic
  • And more!

It’s important to consult the best commercial roofing company in Tampa early on rather than risk the security of your roof and safety of your employees, residents, or property visitors.

Check for Indoor Leaks

While the exterior of your roof may seem like it’s in good condition at first glance, it’s important to also check for any signs of leaks or damage on the interior of your roof. The health of the underside of your roof is just as important as the health of the roof’s exterior.

Consider checking your attic, crawl space, and ceiling for mold or discoloration. These may be evidence of a leak in your roofing system. Before La Niña makes its presence known in Florida, it’s crucial that any indoor leaks or damage to the underside of your roof is addressed.

While they may not seem threatening at first, even a slight storm can wreak havoc on your building, potentially costing hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage.

Prepare Your Commercial Roof for La Niña With Aderhold Roofing

As the best commercial roofing company in Tampa, Aderhold Roofing is dedicated to preparing your commercial roof for the upcoming storm season. As La Niña could produce more hurricanes than normal this summer, it’s more important than ever to protect your property.

Call us at (813) 856-1797 or complete our contact request form before storm season rolls in.


Tips From a Commercial Roofer: How to Get the Most Life Out of Your Commercial Roof

The typical commercial roof could last anywhere from 10 to 40 years. You might be thinking, “This is quite a wide range of time.” While there are many factors that can impact how long your commercial roof lasts, there are several crucial steps you can take yourself to increase the lifespan. 

To learn more about how to get the most life out of your commercial roof, Aderhold Roofing has all you need to know on preserving your commercial roofing in Tampa. 

1. Unclog Gutters and Drains Often

A top tip often overlooked to maintain your commercial roof is to clean gutters and drains often. While your gutters and drains may be out of sight, they should not be out of mind. Keeping up with a regular cleaning schedule can ensure that your roof is protected.

With clogged gutters and drains, water can pool easily and cause leaks or sinking in your roof. This is also especially important in Florida, where storms are prevalent in the summertime. Be sure to work with professional roofing companies in Tampa when cleaning debris from roof gutters and drains.

2. Choose Drone Inspection

Another top tip to get the most life out of your commercial roof is to schedule a drone inspection. As opposed to having roofing contractors walk around on potentially damaged roofing sections, drones can avoid causing any further damage. 

Drone are also capable of seeing awkward angles and tight corners that a human may not be able to access safely. This can ensure that you and your roofing contractor are up to date on any potential leaks, seal damage, or other problem areas. Drone inspections can also often save you time, as they are quick and thorough, and money, as these require less equipment and workers on the ground.

3. Schedule Regular Maintenance

While you may not see any immediate issues with your commercial roof, they can quickly arise and cause significant damage when maintenance is not a priority. It’s crucial to schedule regular inspections at least twice a year. 

It’s also crucial that your commercial roofing contractor stays up to date on typical maintenance, from maintaining seals to cleaning off debris. These small, but significant steps can add years onto your commercial roof’s life. 

Work With Aderhold Roofing Today

As a commercial building owner, you know how important it is to maintain your space inside and out. By working with Aderhold Roofing, one of the top commercial roofing companies in Tampa, you can rest assured that you’ll get the most life out of your commercial roof. To schedule a consultation, contact us today.


Preparing Your Commercial and Multi-Family Properties for the Florida Storm Season

With warm summer days right around the corner, so is the rainy season here in Florida. Whether it’s from the average sunshower or a tropical storm, it’s important that your commercial building is protected from leaks. 

If you’re looking for ways to get prepared for the storm season, read on for the top tips from the best commercial roofer in Tampa.

1. Trim Tree Branches

If there are any overhanging trees or nearby branches that could come in contact with your commercial building, it’s crucial to trim them on a regular basis. With fast winds and downpours that are common in the summer, you never know when a tree branch may strike your building. Once this happens, it may cause catastrophic damage to your roof. 

Tree branches can also crowd rain gutters and drains, meaning there could be more debris and water collection on your roof. Eventually, this could add pressure onto the roof and cause leaks, or worse, to occur. Be sure to trim any tree branches near your building in preparation for the upcoming storm season.

2. Repair and Replace Damaged Areas

While you may have a problem area on your roof that is not currently causing an issue, it can quickly escalate during storm season. It’s crucial to repair and replace any shingles, panels, or other areas on the roof that may be damaged. 

You should also inspect your roof for signs of mold and mildew. Mold and mildew spots are indicators that there could be sitting water or leaks. It is imperative to fix these issues before storm season, so that your building is protected to the fullest extent. 

3. Schedule a Preventative Inspection

While it is recommended that each commercial building is inspected at least twice per year, it is also beneficial to schedule an inspection just before storm season. This can ensure that your building is protected inside and out. 

Not only can a licensed commercial roofing contractor detect any potential damage, but also keep up to date on seal maintenance, debris removal, and more in preparation for the summer.

Contact Aderhold Roofing Before Storm Season

Before storm season is in full swing, you’ll want to be confident in the health of your commercial building’s roof. Aderhold Roofing can help you determine if you need maintenance, debris removal, or commercial roof replacement in Tampa. To schedule an appointment with a licensed commercial roofing contractor, contact us today.


How to Proactively Prevent Roof Leaks in Your Commercial Building

If you own a commercial building, you know how important it is to keep up with regularly scheduled maintenance. This ensures that your building is safe and protected inside and out. 

Rather than addressing leaks after damage occurs, there are several ways to be proactive and prevent them from happening at all. For the top tips for how to proactively prevent roof leaks from a licensed roofing contractor in Tampa, read on. 

1. Remove Debris Regularly

Taking the time to clean and remove debris from your roof on a regular basis should be a top priority. This can prevent your roof from withstanding any damage, as well as make it easier to identify potential problem areas. 

It’s important to thoroughly clean out gutters and drains as well so that there is no water buildup or blockages. The more often your roof is cleaned, the less likely it is that there will be leaks. When cleaning the roof of your commercial building, be sure to always work with a professional roofing contractor.

2. Stay Up to Date With Regular Maintenance

Another preventative measure that may often be overlooked is to stay up to date with preventing leaks.

As roofs age, the sealant surrounding HVACs and other ridges can deteriorate. This will allow water to seep into your building and cause damage before you can notice. It’s important to have a commercial roofing contractor repair any damaged seals as part of your regular roof maintenance.

3. Schedule an Inspection Twice Per Year

By scheduling a regular roof inspection with a commercial roofing contractor in Tampa, you can cover all your bases. In addition to cleaning and seal maintenance, inspections can also detect any problem areas early on. 

It is recommended that commercial buildings undergo roof inspections at least twice per year to ensure that the roof is safe and in top condition. 

Stay Proactive With Aderhold Roofing

At Aderhold Roofing, a licensed roofing contractor in Tampa can provide you with the peace of mind you need to operate in a commercial space. With regular inspections, debris removal, preventative maintenance, and more, you can be proactive in preventing leaks. 

To schedule an inspection, contact the leading commercial roofing contractor in Tampa today.


Advantages of Aerial Drone Roof Inspections for Your Commercial Property

Are you in need of a commercial roof inspection in Tampa? For many, these inspections can seem daunting because of cost, time commitment, and safety concerns. The good news is, the latest technology in aerial drone roof inspection puts many of these concerns to rest. 

For more on why you should get an aerial inspection for your commercial roof, read on.

Increased Safety

One of the top reasons to get an aerial drone roof inspection is the added safety benefit. With no roofer being required to climb a ladder and walk around a roof, there is no risk of slipping and falling or damaging the roof itself. 

Not only does this benefit the roofers, but it also benefits occupants of the building and the building owners. Drones offer an in-depth, no-contact option for roof inspections. This increases overall safety as well as allows for a more detailed look at your roof.

Faster Inspections

Another benefit for aerial drone roof inspections is the opportunity to work faster. Rather than spending time setting up ladders, carefully walking around a roof, and avoiding any dangerous and damaged areas, drones eliminate these tasks entirely. 

While setup on a traditional inspection can take up a lot of time, so can collecting data and producing a report on the condition of the roof. However, drone technology makes it simple to gather and analyze data, pinpointing problem areas on a commercial roof quickly. Oftentimes, drones can even transmit data to the team of roofers on the ground while the inspection is taking place.

Decreased Costs

With fewer safety risks and less time needed for an aerial drone roof inspection, you’ll also experience a significant decrease in cost. You’ll no longer have to pay for extensive labor or gear costs, as there are fewer roofers and tools needed on the job.  

This also often reduces insurance costs, since drones ultimately eliminate safety risks for roofers.

Use a Drone for Your Next Commercial Roof Inspection

These are only a few of the benefits of using drones for your commercial roof inspection. If you’re looking to save time and money on your next commercial roof repair in Tampa, consider opting for an aerial drone inspection. 

Contact Aderhold Roofing today for a consultation on how we can help you.


Newly Developed “Whitest” Paint Will Soon Help Commercial Building Owners Reduce Energy Bills

One of the latest innovations in roofing could soon be sweeping both the commercial and residential markets. A new “whitest” white paint that coats the top of roofs could eliminate the need for air conditioning altogether. 

The chemical compound barium sulfate and its varying particle sizes helped create the brightest white paint to ever exist. 

To learn more about the benefits of this exciting new innovation from a roofing contractor in Tampa, read on.

1. Lower Costs for Building Owners

The newly developed “whitest” paint has many attractive features for home and building owners. While the new paint reflects 98.1 percent of solar radiation, this is a significant improvement from the former whitest paint with its 95.5 percent reflection. The paint also emits infrared heat. 

With such high reflection levels, building owners could save big bucks on energy costs. On a roughly 1,000 square foot roof, this paint can produce a cooling power of 10 kilowatts. On average, a home air conditioner will use 3,000 to 5,000 watts for nine hours of cooling. 

As the white paint is more powerful than many air conditioners in cooling the surface of the roof, there will be less need to run air conditioners for hours on end. This could produce a major financial benefit, especially for building owners in sunny Tampa, FL.

2. Reduce Carbon Footprint

Studies show that buildings generate nearly 40 percent of global CO2 emissions year after year. If you’re interested in reducing your carbon footprint, this paint provides another benefit for you. 

The “whitest” paint can significantly cool surfaces to a temperature that’s lower than any of the other surfaces around it. In fact, the paint absorbs less heat from the sun than it emits. 

Simply put, less energy required to cool your building means a reduced impact on the environment. This is a differentiating factor for your business, residential space, or other commercial building.

3. Usable for Hot and Cool Climates

While those of us in Florida may significantly benefit from this innovation, so can those in cooler climates. Whether painting over shingles or metal roofs, the paint can cool down the environment and reduce global warming impacts. 

For example, painting over a roof in Florida can lower costs and carbon footprint, while painting over a roof in Alaska can cool the temperature and help prevent melting glaciers. With research about this paint dating back to the 1970s, commercial roofing contractors and building owners alike can feel confident about this innovative technology.


How to Save Money and Prevent Leaks with Preventative Commercial Roof Maintenance

An average commercial roof is 20,000 sq. ft. To install this average size roof costs between $70,000 and $150,000 ($3.50/sq ft to $7.50/sq ft). Whether you’ve just installed a brand new roof or it is a few years old, it’s in your best interest to invest in commercial roof maintenance. Routine commercial roof maintenance prevents leaks and helps you save money. When you sign up for a roof maintenance program, contracts frequently extend their warranty and provide regular maintenance.

Extend Your Warranty

When you enroll in preventative maintenance with your commercial roofing contractor, you can increase your warranty, especially if they are an active member of the National Roofing Contractors Association. An extended warranty provides you with extra coverage, less headache, and fewer problems down the road. While an extended warranty is excellent, you must follow the warranty guidelines for your particular roof system–failure to do so could cause  you to lose your warranty.

Prevent Full Roof Replacement with Routine Repairs

Like all preventative plans, routine roof management and checks prevent costly repairs. But a carefully designed commercial roofing maintenance plan is more than prevention–it regularly repairs minor issues, like leaks. While your existing roof systems may operate as expected for a couple of years without frequent checks, negligence eventually leads to expensive repair services and reactive maintenance. Most preventative maintenance programs include roof assembly, commercial roof assessment, two inspections per year, debris removal, emergency repairs, and when the time comes, roof replacement.

Invest in Preventative Maintenance with Aderhold Roofing

When you invest in brand new commercial roofing systems, it only makes sense to take every precaution to keep the system well-maintained. A wise property manager knows that preventative roof maintenance saves thousands of dollars in the long run and helps with the here and now, through warranty extension and reparations.

To help you with your roofing needs, speak with Aderhold Roofing. We have decades of roofing experience and are considered Tampa Bay’s premiere commercial roofing contractor.

Contact us today to see how we can help you today and down the road.


Why Florida’s Dry Season Is the Best Time to Repair Your Commercial or Multi-Family Roof

In Florida, the dry season takes place from November to April. This time of year is best for roof repair because temperatures are usually mild and precipitation is limited. In addition, this is the time of year with the least amount of wind and humidity. For more information about some of the top reasons why it’s best to repair a roof during the dry season, read this guide from a commercial roofing contractor in Tampa.

Decreased Risk of Rain

One of the primary reasons that it is best to do roof repairs in Florida during dry season is because it is less likely to rain. During summer months, Florida receives around 7 inches of rain a month during the rainy season. In the winter, there is a much smaller risk of rain.

Fewer Delays

During the dry season in Florida, your repair is less likely to be delayed due to poor weather. This is because our dry season has the least amount of winds and rain. This means that the work is more likely to be completed on time. 

Since the dry season in Florida has the least amount of wind, this makes it easier and safer for your commercial roofer to complete the work and lower your risk of roof damage. While roof damage from wind is not common, it’s always best to reduce this risk.

More Comfortable Weather

Temperatures and humidity can be uncomfortable during most of the year. But during the dry season, the temperature is much more comfortable and humidity is lower. This makes the work less difficult and more pleasant for everyone involved. The crew can often work faster without having to take extra breaks related to it being too hot outside. As the best commercial roofing company in Tampa, we prioritize quality and crew safety. With cooler weather, roofers can focus on your roofing project more comfortably.

Consult a High-Quality Roofing Contractor Today

If your roof is in need of repair, the dry season in Florida is the best time to do it. Contact Aderhold Roofing today for a high-quality commercial roofing contractor in Tampa.

Aderhold Roofing is a leading commercial roofing company in the Tampa Bay area. Quality work and accurate pricing make it easy to see just how much value you get by working with us. To see the work that we’ve done around Tampa, see our project portfolio here.

If you need to speak with the best commercial roofing company in Tampa, please contact us today.


4 Benefits of Aerial Drone Commercial Roof Inspections

Roof inspections are a crucial part of a commercial real estate purchase. Roof inspections can be done from the ground with a ladder, but this is often dangerous and limits what you can see. If you want to make sure that your property is in good shape from top to bottom, aerial drone roof inspections are an excellent choice for commercial roofing in Tampa.

These types of inspections offer a great view of the exterior and interior of the property, including any problems with insulation or plumbing. Read on to learn some of the top benefits of aerial drone roof inspections.

Access Hard to Reach Spots

Aerial drone roof inspections can offer a much better view than a ground inspection. Drone roof inspections take you high enough to see the entire roof and any problems that you might not be able to see from the ground.

For example, if your property is in a rural area and you’re inspecting the roof, it might be hard to see if there are any holes or damaged areas. The aerial drone will be able to show these places so that they can be repaired before the rainy season starts. In addition, an aerial drone will also allow you to look inside of a tall property for other problems such as water damage on the ceiling, plumbing problems, and insulation issues.

Get Accurate Images

Roof inspections are often not comprehensive because inspectors can’t see everything at once. With aerial drone roof inspections, you’ll be able to get a better look at the property’s exterior and interior, including any defects or anything that could potentially damage the property.

An additional benefit of aerial drone roof inspections is that you’ll be able to get all of the images you need seamlessly. You won’t have to go back and forth between different images, which can slow down your analysis process considerably. A commercial roofing contractor in Tampa can help you use these photos for the best evaluation possible.

Save Money With Aerial Images

While you might think drone roof inspections are expensive, this is actually a more efficient option. Commercial real estate inspections often take several hours to complete. Aerial images can often be captured in just a few minutes and at a much lower price point.

Save Time on the Inspection

Traditional roof inspections take a considerable amount of time. An inspector needs to be on site for a few hours, and then they need to write up their report. This process takes more than just a few hours.

But with aerial drone roof inspections, your inspection can be completed in just minutes. Since the inspector is not climbing on the property and inspecting it from the ground, they do not need as much time as before. With an aerial drone roof inspection, your property is inspected quickly with no safety risks associated with climbing ladders and looking at roofs from below. 

This means that you can easily get an accurate view of your property and its utilities with this type of inspection without needing to spend too much time.

Consult With a Professional Roof Inspector Today

Commercial roof inspections are an important part of keeping your property safe, which is why it’s important to have a thorough one done. The whole process can be made easier by using an aerial drone to help you get the aerial images you need of hard to reach spots. An aerial drone will also save you time on your inspection, so you can be sure to get all the images you need. 

Aderhold Roofing is a leading commercial roofing company in the Tampa Bay area. Quality work and accurate pricing make it easy to see just how much value you get by working with us. To see the work that we’ve done around Tampa, see our project portfolio here.

If you need a commercial roofing contractor in Tampa, please contact us today.