
Hurricane Idalia Aftermath: Roofing Checklist for Multifamily and Commercial Properties

Hurricane Idalia Satelite Image

Hurricane Idalia has left its mark, and as the storm clouds recede, property owners and managers are faced with the daunting task of assessing and repairing the damage. Roofs, in particular, are vulnerable to the fierce winds and torrential rains of hurricanes. For multifamily and commercial properties, ensuring the safety and integrity of the roof is paramount.

Aderhold Roofing understands the challenges you face post-hurricane. Here’s a comprehensive checklist to guide you through the post-storm roof inspection and repair process:

  1. Document the Damage
    • Take clear photographs of any visible damage from the ground. This will be useful for insurance claims and for contractors to assess the extent of repairs needed.
  2. Safety First
    • Avoid going onto the roof immediately after the storm. There may be hidden damages or weak spots.
    • Ensure that there are no downed power lines or electrical hazards around the property.
    • Avoid going onto the roof immediately after the storm. There may be hidden damages or weak spots.
    • Ensure that there are no downed power lines or electrical hazards around the property.
  3. Clear Debris
    • Remove any loose debris from the roof. This includes fallen branches, leaves, and other storm-related debris.
  4. Check for Visible Damage
    • Look for missing, broken, or curled shingles.
    • Check for damaged flashing around vents, chimneys, and skylights.
    • Inspect for any punctures or tears in the roofing material.
  5. Inspect Gutters and Downspouts
    • Ensure they are not clogged with debris.
    • Check for any signs of sagging or detachment from the building.
  6. Check the Interior
    • Inspect the attic and upper floors for signs of water intrusion, such as wet insulation, water stains, or mold growth.
    • Check ceilings and walls for any signs of water damage.
  7. Hire a Professional
    • Engage a professional roofing contractor like Aderhold Roofing to conduct a thorough inspection. They can identify hidden damages and provide expert recommendations.
  8. Temporary Fixes
    • If there are visible damages, consider temporary fixes like tarping to prevent further water intrusion until repairs can be made.
  9. Contact Your Insurance
    • File a claim with your insurance company. Provide them with the documentation and photographs of the damage.
  10. Plan for Repairs or Replacement
  • Based on the assessment, plan for necessary repairs or, in severe cases, a complete roof replacement.
  1. Consider Future Protection
  • Think about investing in hurricane-resistant roofing materials or systems to better protect your property in the future.

In the wake of Hurricane Idalia, it’s crucial to act promptly to ensure the safety and longevity of your property’s roof. Aderhold Roofing is here to assist you every step of the way, from inspection to repair and beyond. Together, we can restore your roof and provide peace of mind for the future.


Preparing for the Upcoming Storm Idalia

Early Track for Idalia

A storm is brewing on the horizon, and with its high probability of developing further, commercial and multifamily property managers need to be on their toes. As we brace ourselves for potential heavy rains and strong winds, it’s crucial to ensure our properties, especially our roofs, are well-prepared.

Quick Tips for Storm Preparation:

Flat Roofs:

  • Inspect Drains: Ensure all drains are clear of debris to prevent water accumulation.
  • Check for Wear: Regularly inspect for any visible damage or wear.
  • Secure Equipment: Confirm all roof equipment is securely fastened.

Shingle Roofs:

  • Shingle Check: Look for loose or missing shingles.
  • Gutter Maintenance: Ensure gutters and downspouts are clear of debris.
  • Trim Trees: Trim back any overhanging tree branches near the roof.

General Property Prep:

  • Outdoor Items: Secure or store outdoor furniture, signs, and other loose items.
  • Seal Windows and Doors: Check for proper sealing to prevent water intrusion.
  • Drainage Systems: Ensure sump pumps and drainage systems are functioning properly.
  • Clear Stormwater Drains: Prevent flooding by keeping these clear.
  • Emergency Plan: Review with property staff and communicate with tenants.
  • Stock Up: Have essential supplies like sandbags, tarps, and flashlights on hand.

Addressing Wear on Your Flat Roof:

Discovering wear on your flat roof can be concerning, especially with a storm approaching. Here’s a step-by-step guide on what to do:

  1. Document the Damage: Capture clear photos for reference and potential insurance claims.
  2. Apply Temporary Measures: Use waterproof tape or sealant to prevent immediate water intrusion.
  3. Seek Professional Help: Contact a licensed roofing contractor for a thorough inspection and repair.
  4. Regular Maintenance: Minimize wear and tear with routine checks and maintenance.
  5. Consider Roof Coatings: These can extend your roof’s life and offer added protection.
  6. Replacement: If wear is extensive, plan for a potential roof replacement.

Being proactive and addressing issues early can save significant repair costs in the future. As the storm approaches, remember that preparation is key to minimizing potential damage. Stay safe, and if you need any assistance or a roof check-up, our team at Aderhold Roofing is here to help


Navigating Budget Season: A Roofing Contractor’s Guide to CapEx Planning

Wooden blocks with the word budget and a calculator with numbers 2022. Accumulating money and planning a budget. Business and finance. Loan, deposit, credit. Investments. Goals, income

As the budget season approaches, businesses across Tampa and Orlando are meticulously planning their capital expenditures (CapEx) for the upcoming year. One of the most significant investments for any commercial establishment is its roofing system. Ensuring that your roof is in top condition not only safeguards your property but also optimizes your budget in the long run. This is where Tampa’s leading commercial roofing contractor steps in to guide you through the intricacies of CapEx budgeting for your roofing needs.

Why Roofing Matters in CapEx Budgeting

Roofing is often a substantial part of a company’s CapEx. A well-maintained roof ensures the safety of your assets, employees, and customers. It also plays a pivotal role in energy efficiency, impacting your operational costs. In the unpredictable weather conditions of Tampa and Orlando, having a robust roofing system is crucial.

The Value of Expertise

When it comes to commercial roofing, expertise matters. A seasoned roofing contractor understands the unique challenges and requirements of commercial establishments in the Tampa and Orlando areas. They can provide invaluable insights into:

  1. Forecasting: Predicting future roofing needs based on the current condition of your roof, ensuring you’re not caught off-guard by unexpected expenses.
  2. Prioritization: Determining which roofing projects need immediate attention and which can be scheduled for later, optimizing your budget allocation.
  3. Long-term Planning: Offering solutions that cater to both immediate fixes and long-term improvements, ensuring a balance between current expenses and future savings.

Benefits of Collaborating with a Local Roofing Contractor

  1. Local Knowledge: A Tampa-based contractor is familiar with the specific challenges of the region, from heavy rains to intense sun. Their solutions are tailored to withstand local conditions, ensuring durability and longevity.
  2. Quick Response: In case of emergencies or sudden issues, having a local contractor means faster response times, minimizing potential damage and associated costs.
  3. Cost-Efficiency: Local contractors can often source materials locally, leading to cost savings which can be passed on to the client.

How We Can Help

As Tampa’s premier commercial roofing contractor, we bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the table. Our team is equipped to assist businesses in Tampa and Orlando with:

  • Roof Inspections: Before diving into budgeting, it’s essential to know the current state of your roof. Our comprehensive inspections provide a clear picture, helping you make informed decisions.
  • Maintenance Plans: Regular maintenance can extend the life of your roof and prevent costly repairs. We offer customized maintenance plans that fit your budget and needs.
  • Cost Estimates: With our detailed cost estimates, you can plan your CapEx with clarity and confidence, ensuring there are no surprises down the line.


Budget season is a critical time for businesses, and capital expenditure planning plays a significant role in ensuring financial health. As you navigate the complexities of CapEx budgeting, remember that your roofing system is an investment in the safety, efficiency, and future of your business. By partnering with a trusted commercial roofing contractor in Tampa, you can make informed decisions that optimize your budget and safeguard your establishment.

For businesses in Tampa and Orlando, the choice is clear. Trust in local expertise, experience, and commitment to excellence. Trust in Tampa’s leading commercial roofing contractor.


Navigating New Florida Condo Laws: A Comprehensive Guide by Aderhold Roofing

St. Pete, Florida, USA downtown city skyline on the bay at dusk.

In 2023, the Florida Legislature passed a series of new laws impacting condos and community associations, focusing on building safety, property safety, and security. The changes bring about a new era for the state’s residential communities, especially those in Tampa and St. Pete. At Aderhold Roofing, we are dedicated to helping you understand and navigate these updates, ensuring your multifamily condos remain compliant and secure.

New Building Safety Requirements

One significant update comes from Senate Bill (SB) 154, which addresses milestone inspection and structural integrity reserve requirements for condos. The bill includes modifications such as giving the Florida Building Commission authority to create an inspection program and allowing teams of design professionals to conduct inspections under the supervision of an engineer or architect.

Furthermore, the bill exempts buildings within 3 miles of the coast from inspections every 25 years. Instead, all buildings 3 stories and higher are required to conduct inspections every 30 years, unless the local enforcement agency justifies an earlier inspection. The bill also expands access to records and requires that boards perform any maintenance identified in turnover inspection reports.

As a Tampa and St. Pete roofing expert, Aderhold Roofing can help condo communities meet these new requirements. Our team of professionals is fully trained to conduct thorough inspections, pinpointing potential issues before they become costly problems. We can also provide maintenance identified in turnover inspection reports, ensuring that your condo building remains safe and compliant.

Property Safety and Security Updates

House Bill (HB) 837 introduces changes to property safety and security, designed to reduce frivolous liability claims against residential associations. The legislation outlines that community associations are exempt from liability if a third party commits a crime on their property, provided they implement certain safety measures.

Among the new requirements are the installation of security cameras at points of entry and exit, lighting in common areas from dusk to dawn, and locking devices on every window and sliding door not used for community purposes. Furthermore, by January 1, 2025, associations must have a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) study performed by a law enforcement agency or a Florida Crime Prevention Practitioner.

In addition to our roofing services, Aderhold Roofing can assist in ensuring that your multifamily condos in Tampa and St. Pete meet these new security standards. We can help with the installation of locking devices on all windows and doors and provide guidance on other necessary property safety improvements.

In conclusion, the new Florida condo laws present significant changes for community associations, but Aderhold Roofing is here to help navigate these changes. By partnering with us, you can ensure your multifamily condos in Tampa and St. Pete meet all the requirements of these new laws while also providing a safe, secure, and compliant living environment for all residents.

Please note that I was not able to find specific information on how the new laws might affect roofing or how a roofing company can help with compliance. For a more detailed post, I recommend further research on this topic.


How to Choose the Best Commercial Roofing Contractor in Tampa/Orlando, Florida

Commercial Reroofing Project

As a business or property owner in Tampa/Orlando, Florida, your commercial roof is an important investment. It’s essential to ensure that it is properly installed and maintained to protect your property and the people inside it. However, choosing the best commercial roofing contractor can be a daunting task. In this post, we’ll provide dyou with some tips on how to choose the best commercial roofing contractor for your needs.

  1. Look for a local contractor Choosing a local commercial roofing contractor like Aderhold Roofing can be beneficial. Local contractors are familiar with the area’s weather conditions, building codes, and local regulations. They can also provide prompt services in case of emergencies.
  2. Check their experience Commercial roofing is a specialized field, and you should look for a contractor who has ample experience in commercial roofing projects. Aderhold Roofing has been serving the Tampa/Orlando area for several years and has a reputation for quality workmanship and exceptional customer service.
  3. Check their credentials Make sure the roofing contractor you’re considering is licensed, insured, and certified. This ensures that they have the necessary skills and knowledge to provide quality roofing services. Aderhold Roofing is fully licensed and insured, and our team is trained and certified in all aspects of commercial roofing.
  4. Ask for references A reputable commercial roofing contractor will have no problem providing you with references from their previous clients. You can contact these references to get an idea of the contractor’s quality of work, professionalism, and customer service. Aderhold Roofing has a long list of satisfied clients who are happy to recommend our services.
  5. Get a written estimate Before you sign a contract, make sure you get a written estimate from the contractor. This estimate should include all the details of the roofing project, including the cost, timeline, materials, and warranties. Aderhold Roofing provides detailed and transparent estimates for all our commercial roofing projects.

In conclusion choosing the right commercial roofing contractor can be a challenging task. However, by following these tips, you can make an informed decision and ensure that your commercial roof is in good hands. Contact Aderhold Roofing today for a free estimate and see how we can help you with your commercial roofing needs in Tampa/Orlando, Florida.


Prepare Your Building for the Rainy Season: Tips and Checklist

Clogged Flat Roof Drain

The rainy season can be a challenging time for building owners and managers. Heavy rain can cause leaks, floods, and other water-related damage that can lead to costly repairs and downtime. However, with proper preparation, you can minimize the risks and ensure that your building stays safe and functional throughout the season. In this post, we’ll provide you with some tips on how to prepare your building for the rainy season.

  1. Inspect your roof and gutters One of the most critical areas to check before the rainy season is your building’s roof and gutters. Make sure that your roof is free of any cracks or damage that could allow water to seep through. Clean your gutters and downspouts to ensure proper drainage and prevent clogs that could lead to water damage.
  2. Check your windows and doors Windows and doors are other areas that can be vulnerable to water damage. Check that all windows and doors are properly sealed and weather-stripped to prevent leaks. Replace any damaged or worn seals or weather-stripping.
  3. Clear outdoor drains and sewers Ensure that all outdoor drains and sewers are clear of debris and functioning correctly. Clogged drains can lead to flooding, which can damage your building’s foundation, walls, and floors.
  4. Check your commercial flat roof drainage system If your building has a flat roof, you’ll need to check your roof’s drainage system. Make sure that the roof drains, scuppers, and gutters are clear of debris and functioning correctly. A clogged or malfunctioning roof drainage system can lead to standing water on your roof, which can cause damage and leaks.
  5. Review your insurance policy Make sure you review your building’s insurance policy before the rainy season begins. Ensure that you have adequate coverage for water damage and that your policy covers all potential risks.
  6. Have an emergency plan in place In case of severe weather or flooding, have an emergency plan in place. Ensure that all building occupants know what to do in case of an emergency, and have all emergency equipment, such as flashlights and backup generators, readily available.

The rainy season can be a challenging time for building owners and managers. However, with proper preparation, you can minimize the risks and ensure that your building stays safe and functional throughout the season. Follow these tips and checklist to prepare your building for the rainy season, and contact a professional if you need assistance with inspections or repairs, especially for commercial flat roof drainage systems.


The Impact of Extreme Weather on Multifamily and Commercial Roofs in Florida

Damaged house roof with missing shingles after hurricane Ian in Florida. Consequences of natural disaster.

Florida is known for its warm and sunny climate, but it’s also no stranger to extreme weather events. Hurricanes, tropical storms, and heavy rainfalls are all common occurrences in the state, and they can have a significant impact on the roofs of multifamily and commercial buildings. As a commercial and multifamily roofing contractor, we’ve seen the effects of these weather events firsthand, and we’re here to share our experience with you.


Hurricanes are one of the most significant weather events that can affect Florida. They bring with them high winds, heavy rains, and storm surges that can cause severe damage to roofs. The strong winds can lift and displace roofing materials, while the heavy rains can lead to leaks and water damage.

To prepare for hurricanes, it’s important to ensure that your roof is in good condition before the storm hits. This includes having a professional inspection to identify any potential issues and making any necessary repairs. Additionally, it’s crucial to have a plan in place for emergency repairs in case your roof is damaged during the storm.

Tropical Storms

Tropical storms are less severe than hurricanes, but they can still cause significant damage to roofs. They bring with them high winds and heavy rains, which can lead to leaks and water damage. In some cases, tropical storms can also cause roof punctures from flying debris.

To prepare for tropical storms, it’s important to ensure that your roof is in good condition and that any loose items, such as signs or air conditioning units, are secured. Additionally, it’s important to have a plan in place for emergency repairs in case your roof is damaged during the storm.

Heavy Rainfalls

Florida is no stranger to heavy rainfalls, which can cause significant damage to roofs. If the rain is heavy enough, it can lead to leaks and water damage. Additionally, heavy rainfalls can cause pooling of water on flat roofs, which can lead to structural damage and leaks.

To prepare for heavy rainfalls, it’s important to ensure that your roof is in good condition and that any drainage systems are clear of debris. Additionally, it’s important to have a plan in place for emergency repairs in case your roof is damaged during the rainstorm.


Extreme weather events can have a significant impact on the roofs of multifamily and commercial buildings in Florida. Hurricanes, tropical storms, and heavy rainfalls can all cause damage that can lead to leaks, water damage, and structural damage. As a commercial and multifamily roofing contractor, we’ve seen the effects of these weather events firsthand.

To prepare for extreme weather events, it’s important to ensure that your roof is in good condition before the storm hits. This includes having a professional inspection to identify any potential issues and making any necessary repairs. Additionally, it’s crucial to have a plan in place for emergency repairs in case your roof is damaged during the storm.

At Aderhold Roofing, we understand the importance of maintaining a roof that can withstand extreme weather conditions. If you need assistance with roof repairs or maintenance, contact us today to schedule a consultation. We’re here to help you protect your multifamily or commercial building from the impact of extreme weather.


How Much Life Does My Commercial Roof Have Left?

Ponding on a Commercial Flat Roof

As a business owner or property manager, one of the biggest concerns you have about your building is the lifespan of the commercial roof. The life expectancy of a commercial roof can vary depending on factors such as the type of material used, maintenance, weather, and other environmental conditions. In this blog post, we will discuss the lifespan of commercial roofs, repairs that can be made to extend their life, and how Aderhold Roofing can help you implement a plan to extend the life of your commercial roof.

The Lifespan of Commercial Roofs

The lifespan of a commercial roof can vary greatly depending on the type of roofing system installed. For example, a flat roof made of EPDM can last up to 20 years, while a TPO roof can last up to 30 years. However, if the roof is not properly maintained or if it is exposed to extreme weather conditions such as strong winds or hail, the lifespan of the roof can be significantly reduced.

Repairs to Extend the Life of Commercial Roofs

In many cases, a commercial roof can be repaired to extend its life and prevent the need for a complete replacement. One of the key ways to extend the life of a commercial roof is through regular maintenance. Regular inspections of the roof can identify any potential issues before they become major problems. For example, small leaks or cracks can be repaired before they cause water damage to the roof deck or building interior.

Aderhold Roofing can help you implement a plan to extend the life of your commercial roof. Our team of experts will perform a thorough inspection of your roof and identify any areas that require repair or maintenance. We can then provide a detailed report of our findings and recommend the best course of action to extend the life of your commercial roof.

In addition to regular maintenance, there are other repairs that can be made to extend the life of a commercial roof. For example, the installation of a roof coating can add years to the life of a commercial roof. A roof coating is a liquid applied to the surface of the roof that forms a protective layer over the existing roofing system. It can protect the roof from damage caused by UV rays, heat, and weathering.

Another option that can extend the life of a commercial roof is the installation of a new layer of roofing material over the existing roof. This is known as a roof overlay or roof recover. A roof overlay can add years to the life of a commercial roof and can be a cost-effective alternative to a complete roof replacement.

Preventive maintenance and timely repairs can help extend the life of your commercial roof, saving you money in the long run. Aderhold Roofing can help you develop a plan to maintain your roof and make necessary repairs to ensure the longest lifespan possible for your commercial roof.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, the lifespan of a commercial roof can vary depending on various factors such as the type of roofing material used, maintenance, weather, and environmental conditions. Regular maintenance and timely repairs can help extend the life of your commercial roof and prevent the need for a complete roof replacement. Aderhold Roofing can help you implement a plan to extend the life of your commercial roof through regular maintenance, repairs, and the installation of roof coatings and overlays. Contact us today to schedule an inspection of your commercial roof and let us help you keep your roof in top shape.


How to Prepare Your Commercial Property for the Rainy Season

Rainy seasons can be tough on commercial properties, especially if the roof isn’t properly maintained. A leaky roof can lead to damage to the interior of the building and cause safety hazards for employees and customers. Here’s what you need to know to prepare your commercial property for the rainy season in Tampa, Florida.

  1. Schedule a Roof Inspection

The first step in preparing your commercial property for the rainy season is to schedule a roof inspection. A professional roofing contractor, such as Aderhold Roofing in Tampa, FL, will be able to assess the condition of your roof and identify any potential problem areas that may cause leaks during heavy rainfall. This will give you the opportunity to make any necessary repairs before the rainy season starts.

  1. Clean Your Gutters

Gutters play a crucial role in directing water away from your building and protecting your roof. During the rainy season, it’s essential to keep your gutters free of debris to prevent blockages. Blocked gutters can cause water to overflow and damage the roof, walls, and foundation of your building.

  1. Trim Trees and Shrubs

Trees and shrubs near your building can cause damage to your roof during high winds and heavy rainfall. Trim any overhanging branches to prevent them from rubbing against the roof and causing damage. This will also help prevent leaves and other debris from clogging your gutters.

  1. Check for Leaks

Before the rainy season begins, inspect your roof for any leaks or signs of water damage. Check the interior of your building for any water stains or dampness on the walls and ceiling. If you do find any leaks, have them repaired as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

  1. Consider a Roofing System Upgrade

If your roof is old or has reached the end of its lifespan, it may be time to consider a roofing system upgrade. A new roofing system, such as a metal roof, can provide better protection against the elements and keep your building dry during the rainy season. A professional roofing contractor in Tampa, FL, such as Aderhold Roofing, can help you choose the right roofing system for your commercial property.

  1. Prepare for Emergencies

In the event of a roof leak or other emergency during the rainy season, it’s essential to have a plan in place. Make sure you have the contact information for a reliable roofing contractor, such as Aderhold Roofing, on hand in case you need emergency repairs. You should also have a supply of tarps, buckets, and other materials to contain any leaks until a professional can make the necessary repairs.

In conclusion, preparing your commercial property for the rainy season is crucial to protect your building and keep it dry. By scheduling a roof inspection, cleaning your gutters, trimming trees and shrubs, checking for leaks, considering a roofing system upgrade, and preparing for emergencies, you can ensure that your building is ready to handle the challenges of the rainy season. If you need help with your roof, consider contacting a professional roofing contractor, such as Aderhold Roofing

Contact us today!


How to Tell Your Commercial Roof Needs Repaired or Replaced

Multifamily or Commercial Properties. With Drone tech we can inspect your roofs without the danger! No matter the size or complexity of your property, we have the roofing solutions you are looking for!

As a commercial property owner, it’s important to keep a close eye on the condition of your roof. A well-maintained roof can protect your building from the elements and extend the life of your property, while a poorly-maintained roof can lead to costly repairs and even complete replacement. Here are a few signs that it may be time to repair or replace your commercial roof.

  1. Age: The age of your roof is one of the most important factors to consider. Most commercial roofing systems have a lifespan of around 20-30 years. If your roof is approaching the end of its expected lifespan, it may be time to consider replacement.
  2. Leaks: Leaks are one of the most obvious signs that your roof needs to be repaired or replaced. If you notice water stains on your ceiling, or if you see water pooling on your roof after a heavy rain, it’s a good indication that your roof is leaking and needs to be fixed.
  3. Missing or damaged shingles: Missing or damaged shingles can be a sign of serious roofing issues. If you notice missing or damaged shingles, it’s important to have them repaired or replaced as soon as possible.
  4. Blistering or buckling: If you notice that your roof is blistering or buckling, it’s a sign that the roofing system is failing. Blistering is the formation of bubbles or protrusions on the surface of the roof, while buckling is when the surface of the roof begins to warp or wave. Both of these signs indicate that the roofing system is not providing adequate protection and should be repaired or replaced.
  5. Moisture or mold: Moisture and mold are also signs that your roof needs to be repaired or replaced. Moisture can enter a building through a damaged roof and cause mold to grow, which can be a health hazard and cause structural damage.
  6. Energy costs: If you notice that your energy costs are suddenly increasing, it could be a sign that your roof is not properly insulating your building. Old or damaged roofing can allow heat to escape, which can lead to higher energy costs.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to have your roof inspected by a professional commercial roofing contractor. They will be able to determine the condition of your roof and advise you on the best course of action.

In some cases, a simple repair can fix the problem, but if the roof has reached the end of its life, a full replacement might be the best option. Keep in mind that waiting too long can lead to more damage and higher costs.

In conclusion, keeping a close eye on the condition of your commercial roof is crucial in maintaining the integrity and longevity of your building. Regular roof inspections, and being aware of signs of wear and tear such as leaks, missing or damaged shingles, blistering or buckling, moisture or mold and increasing energy costs can help you identify potential issues early on, and take the necessary actions to ensure your roofing system is providing adequate protection for your building.

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